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2019-07-01 21:23:28 +02:00
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2020-03-14 11:45:06 +01:00
<meta name="description" content="Convert numbers to and from various bases." />
2019-07-01 21:23:28 +02:00
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2019-07-01 21:23:28 +02:00
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
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2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
<p><em>Convert numbers to and from various bases.</em></p>
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2019-07-01 21:23:28 +02:00
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
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Made by <a href="">Felix W. Dekker</a>.
Licensed under the
<a href="">MIT License</a>.
Source code available on <a href="">git</a>.
2020-03-14 11:45:06 +01:00
<div style="float: right;">v1.4.5</div>
2019-07-01 21:23:28 +02:00
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
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* Replaces the character at the given index with the given replacement.
* @param str the string to replace in
* @param index the index in the given string to replace at
* @param replacement the replacement to insert into the string
* @returns {string} the input string with one character replaced
const stringReplaceAt = (str, index, replacement) =>
str.substr(0, index) + replacement + str.substr(index + replacement.length);
* Replaces all instances of the target with the replacement.
* @param str the string to replace in
* @param target the character to replace
* @param replacement the replacement to insert into the string
* @returns {string} the input string with all instances of the target replaced
const stringReplaceAll = (str, target, replacement) =>
* Runs `stringReplaceAll` for each character in `targets` and `replacements`.
* @param str the string to replace in
* @param targets the characters to replace
* @param replacements the replacements to insert into the string; each character here corresponds to a character
* in the targets string
* @returns {string} the input string with all instances of the targets replaced
const stringReplaceAlls = (str, targets, replacements) =>
Array.from(targets).reduce((output, target, index) =>
stringReplaceAll(output, target, replacements[index]), str);
2019-07-01 21:23:28 +02:00
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
class NumeralSystem {
constructor(base, alphabet, caseSensitive) {
this.base = base;
this.alphabet = alphabet;
this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;
2019-07-01 21:23:28 +02:00
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
decimalToBase(decimalNumber) {
return decimalNumber.toString(this.base, this.alphabet);
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
baseToDecimal(baseString) {
return bigInt(baseString, this.base, this.alphabet, this.caseSensitive);
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
filterBaseString(baseString) {
// Regex from
const alphabet = this.caseSensitive
? this.alphabet
: this.alphabet.toLowerCase() + this.alphabet.toUpperCase();
const regexSafeAlphabet = alphabet.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
return baseString.replace(new RegExp(`[^${regexSafeAlphabet}]`, "g"), "");
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
class NumeralSystemInput {
constructor(name, numeralSystem) { = name;
this.numeralSystem = numeralSystem;
this.label = document.createElement("label");
this.label.setAttribute("for", `${}Input`);
this.label.innerHTML =;
this.textarea = document.createElement("textarea"); = `${}Input`;
this.textarea.className = "numberInput";
this.textarea.oninput = () => {
if (this.textarea.value === undefined || this.textarea.value === null || this.textarea.value === "")
this.textarea.value = this.numeralSystem.filterBaseString(this.textarea.value);
updateAllInputs(this, this.numeralSystem.baseToDecimal(this.textarea.value));
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
2019-07-01 23:58:30 +02:00
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
addToParent(parent) {
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
update(decimalNumber) {
this.textarea.value = this.numeralSystem.decimalToBase(decimalNumber);
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
2020-04-05 13:03:44 +02:00
class Base64NumeralSystem extends NumeralSystem {
// TODO Convert static methods to static properties once supported by Firefox
static defaultAlphabet() {
return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
* Constructs a new base 64 numeral system.
* @param alphabet the 64 characters to encode numbers with, and the padding character at the end
2020-04-05 13:03:44 +02:00
constructor(alphabet) {
super(64, alphabet, true);
decimalToBase(decimalNumber) {
const hex = decimalNumber.toString(16);
const b64 = Array.from(hex.padStart(hex.length + hex.length % 2))
.reduce((result, value, index, array) => {
if (index % 2 === 0) result.push(array.slice(index, index + 2));
return result;
}, [])
.map(pair => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(pair.join(""), 16)))
return stringReplaceAlls(btoa(b64), Base64NumeralSystem.defaultAlphabet(), this.alphabet);
2020-04-05 13:03:44 +02:00
baseToDecimal(baseString) {
if (baseString.length % 4 === 1) throw new Error("Invalid input string length.");
const normalBaseString = stringReplaceAlls(baseString, this.alphabet, Base64NumeralSystem.defaultAlphabet());
const hex = Array.from(atob(normalBaseString))
2020-04-05 13:03:44 +02:00
.map(char => char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join("");
return bigInt(hex, 16);
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
class Base64NumeralSystemInput extends NumeralSystemInput {
// TODO Convert static methods to static properties once supported by Firefox
static dropdownOptions() {
return {"Standard": ['+', '/'], "Filename": ['-', '_'], "IMAP": ['+', ',']};
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
constructor(name) {
super(name, new Base64NumeralSystem(Base64NumeralSystem.defaultAlphabet()));
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
this.dropdownLabel = document.createElement("label");
this.dropdownLabel.setAttribute("for", `${}Dropdown`);
this.dropdownLabel.innerHTML = "Character set";
this.dropdown = document.createElement("select"); = `${}Dropdown`;
this.dropdown.onchange = () => {
const selectedOption = Base64NumeralSystemInput.dropdownOptions()[this.dropdown.value];
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
this.setLastDigits(selectedOption[0], selectedOption[1]);
this.dropdownDiv = document.createElement("div");
this.options =
Object.keys(Base64NumeralSystemInput.dropdownOptions()).map(key => {
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
const option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = key;
option.text = key + ": " + Base64NumeralSystemInput.dropdownOptions()[key].join("");
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
return option;
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
setLastDigits(c62, c63) {
const oc62 = this.numeralSystem.alphabet[62];
const oc63 = this.numeralSystem.alphabet[63];
this.numeralSystem.alphabet =
stringReplaceAt(stringReplaceAt(this.numeralSystem.alphabet, 62, c62), 63, c63);
this.textarea.value =
stringReplaceAll(stringReplaceAll(this.textarea.value, oc62, c62), oc63, c63);
2019-10-31 16:58:13 +01:00
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
addToParent(parent) {
this.options.forEach(option => this.dropdown.appendChild(option));
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
const inputs = [
new NumeralSystemInput("Binary", new NumeralSystem(2, "01")),
new NumeralSystemInput("Octal", new NumeralSystem(8, "01234567")),
new NumeralSystemInput("Decimal", new NumeralSystem(10, "0123456789")),
new NumeralSystemInput("Duodecimal", new NumeralSystem(12, "0123456789ab", caseSensitive = false)),
new NumeralSystemInput("Hexadecimal", new NumeralSystem(16, "0123456789abcdef", caseSensitive = false)),
new Base64NumeralSystemInput("Base64"),
new NumeralSystemInput(
new NumeralSystem(
new Array(256).fill(0).map((_, it) => String.fromCharCode(it)).join(""),
caseSensitive = true
const updateAllInputs = (source, newValue) => {
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
for (const input of inputs)
if (input !== source)
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
doAfterLoad(() => {
const inputParent = $("#inputs");
for (const input of inputs)
updateAllInputs(undefined, bigInt(42));
2019-11-25 00:01:11 +01:00
2019-07-01 21:23:28 +02:00