import {emptyFunction} from "./shared.js"; export class FileSystem { private _pwd: string; private root: Directory; private files: Directory; constructor() { this._pwd = "/"; this.root = new Directory({ personal: new Directory({ steam: new UrlFile(""), nukapedia: new UrlFile(""), blog: new UrlFile(""), }), projects: new Directory({ randomness: new UrlFile(""), schaapi: new UrlFile(""), gitea: new UrlFile(""), github: new UrlFile(""), }), social: new Directory({ github: new UrlFile(""), stackoverflow: new UrlFile(""), linkedin: new UrlFile("") }), "resume.pdf": new UrlFile("") }); this.files = this.root; } get pwd(): string { return this._pwd; } getNode(pathString: string): Node { const path = new Path(this._pwd, pathString); let node: Node = this.root; => { if (part === "" || node === undefined || node instanceof File) return; if (node instanceof Directory) node = node.getNode(part); else throw "Node must be file or directory."; }); return node; } /** * Resets navigation in the file system. */ reset(): void { this._pwd = "/"; this.files = this.root; } private executeForEach(inputs: string[], fun: (_: string) => string): string { const outputs: string[] = []; inputs.forEach(input => { const output = fun(input); if (output !== "") outputs.push(output); }); return outputs.join("\n"); } /** * Changes the current directory to {@code path}, if it exists. * * @param pathString the absolute or relative path to change the current directory to * @returns {string} an empty string if the change was successful, or an error message explaining what went wrong */ cd(pathString: string): string { if (pathString === undefined) return ""; const path = new Path(this._pwd, pathString); const node = this.getNode(path.path); if (node === undefined) return `The directory '${path.path}' does not exist`; if (!(node instanceof Directory)) return `'${path.path}' is not a directory.`; this._pwd = path.path; this.files = node; return ""; } /** * Creates an empty file at {@code path} if it does not exist. * * @param pathString the path to create a file at if it does not exist * @returns {string} an empty string if the removal was successful, or a message explaining what went wrong */ private createFile(pathString: string): string { const path = new Path(this._pwd, pathString); const headNode = this.getNode(path.head); if (headNode === undefined) return `The directory '${path.head}' does not exist`; if (!(headNode instanceof Directory)) return `${path.head} is not a directory`; const tailNode = headNode.getNode(path.tail); if (tailNode !== undefined) return ""; // File already exists headNode.addNode(path.tail, new File()); return ""; } /** * Calls {@link createFile} on all elements in {@code paths}. * * @param paths {string[]} the absolute or relative paths to the files to be created * @returns {string} the warnings generated during creation of the files */ createFiles(paths: string[]): string { return this.executeForEach(paths, path => this.createFile(path)); } /** * Copies {@code source} to {@code destination}. * * If the destination does not exist, the source will be copied to that exact location. If the destination exists * and is a directory, the source will be copied into the directory. If the destination exists but is not a * directory, the copy will fail. * * @param sourceString {string} the absolute or relative path to the file or directory to copy * @param destinationString {string} the absolute or relative path to the destination * @returns {string} an empty string if the copy was successful, or a message explaining what went wrong */ cp(sourceString: string, destinationString: string): string { const sourcePath = new Path(this._pwd, sourceString); const sourceTailNode = this.getNode(sourcePath.path); const destinationPath = new Path(this._pwd, destinationString); const destinationHeadNode = this.getNode(destinationPath.head); const destinationTailNode = this.getNode(destinationPath.path); if (sourceTailNode === undefined) return `The file '${sourcePath.path}' does not exist`; if (!(sourceTailNode instanceof File)) return `Cannot copy directory.`; if (destinationHeadNode === undefined) return `The directory '${destinationPath.head}' does not exist`; let targetNode; let targetName; if (destinationTailNode === undefined) { if (!(destinationHeadNode instanceof Directory)) return `The path '${destinationPath.head}' does not point to a directory`; targetNode = destinationHeadNode; targetName = destinationPath.tail; } else { if (!(destinationTailNode instanceof Directory)) return `The path '${destinationPath.tail}' does not point to a directory`; targetNode = destinationTailNode; targetName = sourcePath.tail; } if (targetNode.getNode(targetName) !== undefined) return `The file '${targetName}' already exists`; targetNode.addNode(targetName, sourceTailNode.copy()); return ""; } /** * Returns the directory at {@code path}, or the current directory if no path is given. * * @param pathString {string} the absolute or relative path to the directory to return * @returns {Object} the directory at {@code path}, or the current directory if no path is given */ ls(pathString: string): string { const path = new Path(this._pwd, pathString); const node = this.getNode(path.path); if (node === undefined) return `The directory '${path.path}' does not exist`; if (!(node instanceof Directory)) return `'${path.path}' is not a directory`; const dirList = [new Directory({}).nameString("."), new Directory({}).nameString("..")]; const fileList: string[] = []; const nodes = node.nodes; Object.keys(nodes) .sortAlphabetically((x) => x) .forEach(name => { const node = nodes[name]; if (node instanceof Directory) dirList.push(node.nameString(name)); else if (node instanceof File) fileList.push(node.nameString(name)); else throw `${name} is neither a file nor a directory!`; }); return dirList.concat(fileList).join("\n"); } /** * Creates an empty directory in the file system. * * @param pathString {string} the absolute or relative path to the directory to create * @returns {string} an empty string if the removal was successful, or a message explaining what went wrong */ private mkdir(pathString: string): string { const path = new Path(pathString); const headNode = this.getNode(path.head); if (headNode === undefined) return `The directory '${path.head}' does not exist`; if (!(headNode instanceof Directory)) return `'${path.head}' is not a directory`; if (headNode.getNode(path.tail)) return `The directory '${path.tail}' already exists`; headNode.addNode(path.tail, new Directory()); return ""; } /** * Calls {@link mkdir} on all elements in {@code paths}. * * @param paths {string[]} the absolute or relative paths to the directories to create * @returns {string} the warnings generated during creation of the directories */ mkdirs(paths: string[]): string { return this.executeForEach(paths, this.mkdir.bind(this)); } /** * Moves {@code source} to {@code destination}. * * If the destination does not exist, the source will be moved to that exact location. If the destination exists and * is a directory, the source will be moved into the directory. If the destination exists but is not a directory, * the move will fail. * * @param sourceString {string} the absolute or relative path to the file or directory to move * @param destinationString {string} the absolute or relative path to the destination * @returns {string} an empty string if the move was successful, or a message explaining what went wrong */ mv(sourceString: string, destinationString: string): string { const sourcePath = new Path(sourceString); const sourceHeadNode = this.getNode(sourcePath.head); const sourceTailNode = this.getNode(sourcePath.path); const destinationPath = new Path(destinationString); const destinationHeadNode = this.getNode(destinationPath.head); const destinationTailNode = this.getNode(destinationPath.path); if (!(sourceHeadNode instanceof Directory)) return `The path '${sourcePath.head}' does not point to a directory`; if (sourceTailNode === undefined) return `The file '${sourcePath.path}' does not exist`; if (destinationHeadNode === undefined) return `The directory '${destinationPath.head}' does not exist`; let targetNode; let targetName; if (destinationTailNode === undefined) { if (!(destinationHeadNode instanceof Directory)) return `The path '${destinationPath.head}' does not point to a directory`; targetNode = destinationHeadNode; targetName = destinationPath.tail; } else { if (!(destinationTailNode instanceof Directory)) return `The path '${destinationPath.tail}' does not point to a directory`; targetNode = destinationTailNode; targetName = sourcePath.tail; } if (targetNode.getNode(targetName) !== undefined) return `The file '${targetName}' already exists`; sourceHeadNode.removeNode(sourceTailNode); targetNode.addNode(targetName, sourceTailNode); return ""; } /** * Removes a file from the file system. * * @param pathString {string} the absolute or relative path to the file to be removed * @param force {boolean} true if no warnings should be given if removal is unsuccessful * @param recursive {boolean} true if files and directories should be removed recursively * @param noPreserveRoot {boolean} false if the root directory should not be removed * @returns {string} an empty string if the removal was successful, or a message explaining what went wrong */ private rm(pathString: string, force: boolean = false, recursive: boolean = false, noPreserveRoot: boolean = false): string { const path = new Path(pathString); const parentNode = this.getNode(path.head); if (parentNode === undefined) return force ? "" : `The directory '${path.head}' does not exist`; if (!(parentNode instanceof Directory)) return force ? "" : `'${path.head}' is not a directory`; const childNode = this.getNode(path.path); if (childNode === undefined) return force ? "" : `The file '${path.path}' does not exist`; if (recursive) { if (path.path === "/") if (noPreserveRoot) this.root = new Directory(); else return "'/' cannot be removed"; else parentNode.removeNode(childNode); } else { if (!(childNode instanceof File)) return force ? "" : `'${path.tail}' is not a file`; parentNode.removeNode(childNode); } return ""; } /** * Calls {@link rm} on all elements in {@code paths}. * * @param paths {string} the absolute or relative paths to the files to be removed * @param force {boolean} true if no warnings should be given if removal is unsuccessful * @param recursive {boolean} true if files and directories should be removed recursively * @param noPreserveRoot {boolean} false if the root directory should not be removed * @returns {string} the warnings generated during removal of the directories */ rms(paths: string[], force: boolean = false, recursive: boolean = false, noPreserveRoot: boolean = false): string { return this.executeForEach(paths, path => { return this.rm(path, force, recursive, noPreserveRoot); }); } /** * Removes a directory from the file system. * * @param pathString {string} the absolute or relative path to the directory to be removed * @returns {string} an empty string if the removal was successful, or a message explaining what went wrong */ private rmdir(pathString: string): string { const path = new Path(pathString); if (path.path === "/") { if (this.root.nodeCount > 0) return `The directory is not empty.`; else return ""; } const parentDir = this.getNode(path.head); if (parentDir === undefined) return `The directory '${path.head}' does not exist`; if (!(parentDir instanceof Directory)) return `'${path.head}' is not a directory`; const childDir = parentDir.getNode(path.tail); if (childDir === undefined) return `The directory '${path.tail}' does not exist`; if (!(childDir instanceof Directory)) return `'${path.tail}' is not a directory`; if (childDir.nodeCount > 0) return `The directory is not empty`; parentDir.removeNode(childDir); return ""; } /** * Calls {@link rmdir} on all elements in {@code paths}. * * @param paths {string[]} the absolute or relative paths to the directories to be removed * @returns {string} the warnings generated during removal of the directories */ rmdirs(paths: string[]): string { return this.executeForEach(paths, path => this.rmdir(path)); } } export class Path { private readonly _parts: string[]; readonly path: string; readonly head: string; readonly tail: string; constructor(currentPath: string, relativePath: string | undefined = undefined) { let path; if (relativePath === undefined) path = currentPath; else if (relativePath.startsWith("/")) path = relativePath; else path = `${currentPath}/${relativePath}`; this.path = `${path}/` .replaceAll(/\/\.\//, "/") .replaceAll(/(\/+)([^./]+)(\/+)(\.\.)(\/+)/, "/") .replaceAll(/\/{2,}/, "/") .replace(/^\/?\.?\.\/$/, "/") .toString(); this._parts = this.path.split("/"); this.head =, -2).join("/"); this.tail =, -1).slice(-1).join("/"); } get parts(): string[] { return this._parts.slice(); } } export abstract class Node { abstract copy(): Node; abstract nameString(name: string): string; abstract visit(fun: (node: Node) => void, pre: (node: Node) => void, post: (node: Node) => void): void; } export class Directory extends Node { private readonly _nodes: { [key: string]: Node }; // noinspection TypeScriptFieldCanBeMadeReadonly: False positive private _parent: Directory; constructor(nodes: { [key: string]: Node } = {}) { super(); this._parent = this; this._nodes = nodes; Object.values(this._nodes) .forEach(node => { if (node instanceof Directory) node._parent = this; }); } get nodes(): { [key: string]: Node } { return Object.assign({}, this._nodes); } get nodeCount(): number { return Object.keys(this._nodes).length; } get parent(): Directory { return this._parent; } getNode(name: string): Node { switch (name) { case ".": return this; case "..": return this._parent; default: return this._nodes[name]; } } addNode(name: string, node: Node) { if (node instanceof Directory) node._parent = this; this._nodes[name] = node; } removeNode(nodeOrName: Node | string) { if (nodeOrName instanceof Node) { const name = Object.keys(this._nodes).find(key => this._nodes[key] === nodeOrName); if (name === undefined) throw `Could not remove node '${nodeOrName}'.`; delete this._nodes[name]; } else { delete this._nodes[name]; } } copy(): Directory { return new Directory(this.nodes); } nameString(name: string): string { // @ts-ignore: Defined in `terminal.ts` return `${name}/`; } visit(fun: (node: Node) => void, pre: (node: Node) => void = emptyFunction, post: (node: Node) => void = emptyFunction) { pre(this); fun(this); Object.keys(this._nodes).forEach(name => this._nodes[name].visit(fun, pre, post)); post(this); } } export class File extends Node { constructor() { super(); } copy(): File { return new File(); } nameString(name: string): string { return name; } visit(fun: (node: Node) => void, pre: (node: Node) => void = emptyFunction, post: (node: Node) => void = emptyFunction) { pre(this); fun(this); post(this); } } export class UrlFile extends File { readonly url: string; constructor(url: string) { super(); this.url = url; } copy(): UrlFile { return new UrlFile(this.url); } nameString(name: string): string { return `${name}`; } }