class FileSystem { constructor() { this._root = { personal: { steam: { type: "link", link: "" }, nukapedia: { type: "link", link: "" } }, projects: { minor: { dice: { type: "link", link: "" } }, randomness: { type: "link", link: "" }, schaapi: { type: "link", link: "" } }, social: { github: { type: "link", link: "" }, stackoverflow: { type: "link", link: "" }, linkedin: { type: "link", link: "" } }, "resume.pdf": { type: "link", link: "" } }; this.pwd = "/"; const visited = []; const queue = [this._root]; this._root["."] = this._root; this._root[".."] = this._root; while (queue.length !== 0) { const next = queue.pop(); if (visited.indexOf(next) >= 0) { continue; } visited.push(next); for (const key in next) { if (key === "." || key === ".." || FileSystem.isFile(next[key])) { continue; } next[key]["."] = next[key]; next[key][".."] = next; queue.push(next[key]); } } } _absolutePath(path) { if (path.startsWith("/")) { return path; } else { return `${this.pwd}/${path}`; } } _childPath(path) { const childPath = this._normalisePath(path).split("/").slice(0, -1).slice(-1).join("/"); return (childPath === "") ? "." : childPath; } _executeForEach(inputs, fun) { const outputs = []; inputs.forEach(input => { const output = fun(input); if (output !== "") { outputs.push(output); } }); return outputs.join("\n"); } _getFile(path) { path = this._normalisePath(path); let file = this._root; path.split("/").forEach(part => { if (part === "") { return; } if (file === undefined) { return; } file = file[part]; }); return file; } _normalisePath(path) { return FileSystem._sanitisePath(this._absolutePath(path)); } _parentPath(path) { const parentPath = this._normalisePath(path).split("/").slice(0, -2).join("/"); return (parentPath === "") ? "/" : parentPath; } static _sanitisePath(path) { const selfRegex = /\/\.\//; // Match "./" const upRegex = /(\/+)([^./]+)(\/+)(\.\.)(\/+)/; // Match "/directory/../" const doubleRegex = /\/{2,}/; // Match "///" return `${path}/` .replaceAll(selfRegex, "/") .replaceAll(upRegex, "/") .replaceAll(doubleRegex, "/") .toString(); } /** * Returns true iff {@code file} represents a directory. * * @param file {Object} an object from the file system * @returns {boolean} true iff {@code file} represents a directory */ static isDirectory(file) { return (file !== undefined && typeof file.type !== "string"); } /** * Returns true iff {@code file} represents a file. * * @param file {Object} an object from the file system * @returns {boolean} true iff {@code file} represents a file */ static isFile(file) { return (file !== undefined && typeof file.type === "string"); } /** * Changes the current directory to {@code path}, if it exists. * * @param path the absolute or relative path to change the current directory to * @returns {string} an empty string if the change was successful, or an error message explaining what went wrong */ cd(path) { if (path === undefined) { return ""; } const file = this._getFile(path); if (file === undefined || !FileSystem.isDirectory(file)) { return `The directory '${path}' does not exist`; } this.pwd = this._normalisePath(path); this.files = file; return ""; } /** * Returns the directory at {@code path}, or the current directory if no path is given. * * @param path {string} the absolute or relative path to the directory to return * @returns {Object} the directory at {@code path}, or the current directory if no path is given */ ls(path) { path = (path || this.pwd); const files = this._getFile(path); if (files === undefined) { return `The directory '${path}' does not exist`; } const dirList = []; const fileList = []; Object.keys(files).sort().forEach(fileName => { const file = files[fileName]; if (FileSystem.isFile(file)) { fileList.push(fileToString(fileName, file)); } else if (FileSystem.isDirectory(file)) { dirList.push(`${fileName}/`); } else { throw `${fileName} is neither a file nor a directory!`; } }); return dirList.concat(fileList).join("\n"); } /** * Creates an empty directory in the file system. * * @param path {string} the absolute or relative path to the directory to create * @returns {string} an empty string if the removal was successful, or a message explaining what went wrong */ mkdir(path) { const parentDirName = this._parentPath(path); const childDirName = this._childPath(path); const parentDir = this._getFile(parentDirName); if (!FileSystem.isDirectory(parentDir)) { return `The directory '${parentDirName}' does not exist`; } if (parentDir[childDirName] !== undefined) { return `The directory '${childDirName}' already exists`; } parentDir[childDirName] = {}; parentDir[childDirName]["."] = parentDir[childDirName]; parentDir[childDirName][".."] = parentDir; return ""; } mkdirs(paths) { return this._executeForEach(paths, this.mkdir.bind(this)); } /** * Resets navigation in the file system. */ reset() { this.pwd = "/"; this.files = this._root; } /** * Removes a file from the file system. * * @param path {string} the absolute or relative path to the file to be removed * @param force {boolean} true if no warnings should be given if removal is unsuccessful * @returns {string} an empty string if the removal was successful, or a message explaining what went wrong */ rm(path, force) { const dirName = this._parentPath(path); const fileName = this._childPath(path); const dir = this._getFile(dirName); if (!FileSystem.isDirectory(dir)) { return force ? "" : `The directory '${dirName}' does not exist`; } const file = dir[fileName]; if (!FileSystem.isFile(file)) { return force ? "" : `The file '${fileName}' does not exist`; } delete dir[fileName]; return ""; } rms(paths, force) { return this._executeForEach(paths, path => { this.rm(path, force); }); } /** * Removes a directory from the file system. * * @param path {string} the absolute or relative path to the directory to be removed * @param force {boolean} true iff the directory should be removed regardless of whether it is empty * @returns {string} an empty string if the removal was successful, or a message explaining what went wrong */ rmdir(path, force) { force = (force || false); if (this._normalisePath(path) === "/") { if (!force && Object.keys(this._root).length > 1) { return `The directory is not empty.`; } else { this._root = {}; this._root["."] = this._root; return ``; } } const parentDirName = this._parentPath(path); const childDirName = this._childPath(path); const parentDir = this._getFile(parentDirName); if (!FileSystem.isDirectory(parentDir)) { return force ? "" : `The directory '${parentDirName}' does not exist`; } const childDir = parentDir[childDirName]; if (!FileSystem.isDirectory(childDir)) { return force ? "" : `The directory '${childDirName}' does not exist`; } if (!force && Object.keys(childDir).length > 2) { return `The directory is not empty`; } delete parentDir[childDirName]; return ""; } rmdirs(paths, force) { return this._executeForEach(paths, path => { return this.rmdir(path, force); }); } } const fileToString = function (fileName, file) { switch (file.type) { case "link": return `${fileName}`; default: return fileName; } };