import "./extensions.js" import {FileSystem, UrlFile} from "./fs.js" import {Terminal, terminal} from "./terminal.js"; export class Commands { private readonly terminal: Terminal; private readonly fileSystem: FileSystem; private readonly commands: object; constructor(terminal: Terminal, fileSystem: FileSystem) { this.terminal = terminal; this.fileSystem = fileSystem; this.commands = { clear: new Command( this.clear, `clear terminal output`, `clear`, `Clears all previous terminal output.`.trimLines() ), cd: new Command(, `change directory`, `cd [DIRECTORY]`, `Changes the current working directory to [DIRECTORY]. If [DIRECTORY] is empty, nothing happens.`.trimLines() ), cp: new Command( this.cp, `copy file`, `cp SOURCE DESTINATION`, `Copies SOURCE to DESTINATION. SOURCE must be a file. If DESTINATION exists and is a directory, SOURCE is copied into the directory.`.trimLines() ), echo: new Command( this.echo, `display text`, `echo [TEXT]`, `Displays [TEXT].`.trimLines() ), exit: new Command( this.exit, `close session`, `exit`, `Closes the terminal session.`.trimLines() ), help: new Command(, `display documentation`, `help [COMMAND]`, `Displays help documentation for [COMMAND]. If [COMMAND] is empty, a list of all commands is shown.`.trimLines() ), ls: new Command(, `list directory contents`, `ls [DIRECTORY]`, `Displays the files and directories in [DIRECTORY]. If [DIRECTORY] is empty, the files and directories in the current working directory are shown.`.trimLines() ), man: new Command(, `display manual documentation pages`, `man PAGE`, `Displays the manual page with the name PAGE.`.trimLines() ), mkdir: new Command( this.mkdir, `make directories`, `mkdir DIRECTORY...`, `Creates the directories given by DIRECTORY. If more than one directory is given, the directories are created in the order they are given in`.trimLines() ), mv: new Command(, `move file`, `mv SOURCE DESTINATION`, `Renames SOURCE to DESTINATION.`.trimLines() ), open: new Command(, `open web page`, `open [-b | --blank] FILE`, `Opens the web page linked to by FILE in this browser window. If -b or --blank is set, the web page is opened in a new tab.`.trimLines() ), poweroff: new Command( this.poweroff, `close down the system`, `poweroff`, `Automated shutdown procedure to nicely notify users when the system is shutting down.`.trimLines() ), pwd: new Command( this.pwd, `print working directory`, `pwd`, `Displays the current working directory.`.trimLines() ), rm: new Command( this.rm, `remove file`, `rm [-f | --force] [-r | -R | --recursive] [--no-preserve-root] FILE...`, `Removes the files given by FILE. If more than one file is given, the files are removed in the order they are given in. If -f or --force is set, no warning is given if a file could not be removed. If -r, -R, or --recursive is set, files and directories are removed recursively. Unless --no-preserve-root is set, the root directory cannot be removed.`.trimLines() ), rmdir: new Command( this.rmdir, `remove directories`, `rmdir DIRECTORY...`, `Removes the directories given by DIRECTORY. If more than one directory is given, the directories are removed in the order they are given in.`.trimLines() ), touch: new Command( this.touch, `change file timestamps`, `touch FILE...`, `Update the access and modification times of each FILE to the current time. If a file does not exist, it is created.`.trimLines() ) }; } parse(input: string): string { const args = new InputArgs(input); if (args.command.trim() === "") return ""; else if (this.commands.hasOwnProperty(args.command)) return this.commands[args.command].fun.bind(this)(args); else return `Unknown command '${args.command}'`; } private cd(input: InputArgs): string { return; } private cp(input: InputArgs): string { return this.fileSystem.cp(input.getArg(0), input.getArg(1)); } private clear(): string { this.terminal.clear(); return ""; } private echo(input): string { return input.args .join(" ") .replace("hunter2", "*******"); } private exit(): string { this.terminal.logOut(); return ""; } private help(input: InputArgs): string { const command = input.getArg(0, "").toLowerCase(); const commandNames = Object.keys(this.commands); if (commandNames.indexOf(command) >= 0) { const info = this.commands[command]; return "" + `${command} - ${info.summary} Usage ${info.usage} Description ${info.desc}`.trimLines(); } else { const commandWidth = Math.max.apply(null, => it.length)) + 4; const commandEntries = it => `${it.padEnd(commandWidth, ' ')}${this.commands[it].summary}` ); return "" + `The source code of this website is available on git. List of commands ${commandEntries.join("\n")} Write "help [COMMAND]" for more information on a command.`.trimLines(); } } private ls(input: InputArgs): string { return; } private man(args: InputArgs): string { if (args.args.length === 0) return "What manual page do you want?"; else if (Object.keys(this.commands).indexOf(args.getArg(0)) < 0) return `No manual entry for ${args.getArg(0)}`; else return; } private mkdir(args: InputArgs): string { return this.fileSystem.mkdirs(args.args); } private mv(args: InputArgs): string { return, args.getArg(1)); } private open(args: InputArgs): string { const fileName = args.getArg(0); const target = args.hasAnyOption(["b", "blank"]) ? "_blank" : "_self"; const node = this.fileSystem.getNode(fileName); if (node === undefined) return `The file '${fileName}' does not exist`; if (!(node instanceof File)) return `'${fileName}' is not a file`; if (!(node instanceof UrlFile)) return `Could not open '${fileName}'`;, target); return ""; } private poweroff(): string { const date = new Date(); date.setSeconds(date.getSeconds() + 30); document.cookie = `poweroff=true; expires=${date.toUTCString()}; path=/`; setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 2000); return "" + `Shutdown NOW! *** FINAL System shutdown message from ${terminal.currentUser} *** System going down IMMEDIATELY System shutdown time has arrived`.trimLines(); } private pwd(): string { return this.fileSystem.pwd; } private rm(args: InputArgs): string { return this.fileSystem.rms( args.args, args.hasAnyOption(["f", "force"]), args.hasAnyOption(["r", "R", "recursive"]), args.hasOption("no-preserve-root") ); } private rmdir(args: InputArgs): string { return this.fileSystem.rmdirs(args.args); } private touch(args: InputArgs): string { return this.fileSystem.createFiles(args.args); } } class Command { readonly fun: (args: InputArgs) => string; readonly summary: string; readonly usage: string; readonly desc: string; constructor(fun: (args: InputArgs) => string, summary: string, usage: string, desc: string) { = fun; this.summary = summary; this.usage = usage; this.desc = desc; } } class InputArgs { readonly command: string; private readonly _options: object; private readonly _args: string[]; constructor(input: string) { const inputParts = (input.match(/("[^"]+"|[^"\s]+)/g) || []) .map(it => it.replace(/^"/, "").replace(/"$/, "")); this.command = (inputParts[0] || "").toLowerCase(); this._options = {}; let i; for (i = 1; i < inputParts.length; i++) { const arg = inputParts[i]; const argParts = arg.split("="); if (arg.startsWith("--")) { // --option, --option=value const argName = argParts[0].substr(2); this._options[argName] = (argParts[1] || ""); } else if (arg.startsWith("-")) { // -o, -o=value, -opq if (argParts[0].length === 2) { // -o, -o=value const argName = argParts[0].substr(1); this._options[argName] = (argParts[1] || ""); } else if (argParts.length === 1) { // -opq const argNames = argParts[0].substr(1).split(""); argNames.forEach(argName => this._options[argName] = ""); } else { // Invalid throw "Cannot assign value to multiple options!"; } } else { // Not an option break; } this._options[argParts[0]] = (argParts[1] || ""); } this._args = inputParts.slice(i); } get options(): object { return Object.assign({}, this._options); } get args(): string[] { return this._args.slice(); } getArg(index: number, def: string = undefined): string { return (def === undefined) ? this._args[index] : (this.hasArg(index) ? this._args[index] : def); } hasArg(index: number): boolean { return index >= 0 && index < this._args.length; } getOption(key: string, def: string = undefined) { return (def === undefined) ? this._options[key] : (this.hasOption(key) ? this._options[key] : def); } hasOption(key: string): boolean { return this._options.hasOwnProperty(key); } hasAnyOption(keys: string[]): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) if (this.hasOption(keys[i])) return true; return false; } }