import {getFileExtension, IllegalArgumentError, IllegalStateError} from "./Shared"; /** * A file system. */ export class FileSystem { /** * The root directory. */ readonly root: Directory; /** * Constructs a new file system. * * @param root the directory to set as the root */ constructor(root: Directory | undefined = undefined) { if (root === undefined) this.root = new Directory({ "personal": new Directory({ "steam.lnk": new File(""), "nukapedia.lnk": new File(""), "blog.lnk": new File(""), }), "projects": new Directory({ "randomness.lnk": new File(""), "schaapi.lnk": new File(""), "gitea.lnk": new File(""), "github.lnk": new File(""), }), "social": new Directory({ "github.lnk": new File(""), "stackoverflow.lnk": new File(""), "linkedin.lnk": new File("") }), "resume.pdf": new File("") }); else this.root = root; } /** * Adds the given node at the given path. * * @param target the path to add the node at * @param node the node to add * @param createParents `true` if and only if intermediate directories should be created if they do not exist yet * @throws if the parent directory does not exist and `createParents` is `false`, if the parent is not a directory, * or if there already exists a node at the given location */ add(target: Path, node: Node, createParents: boolean): void { if (!this.has(target.parent)) { if (createParents) this.add(target.parent, new Directory(), true); else throw new Error(`The directory '${target.parent}' does not exist.`); } const parent = this.get(target.parent); if (!(parent instanceof Directory)) throw new Error(`'${target.parent}' is not a directory.`); if (parent.hasNode(target.fileName)) throw new Error(`A file or directory already exists at '${target}'.`); parent.addNode(target.fileName, node); } /** * Copies `source` to `destination`. * * @param source the path to the file or directory to copy * @param destination the path to the destination * @param isRecursive if copying should happen recursively if the source is a directory * @throws if the source is a directory and `isRecursive` is `false`, if the source does not exist, if the target's * parent does not exist, if the target's parent is not a directory, or if the target already exists */ copy(source: Path, destination: Path, isRecursive: boolean): void { if (destination.ancestors.indexOf(source) >= 0) throw new Error("Cannot move directory into itself."); const sourceNode = this.get(source); if (sourceNode === undefined) throw new Error(`File or directory '${source}' does not exist.`); if (sourceNode instanceof Directory && !isRecursive) throw new Error(`'${source}' is a directory.`); this.add(destination, sourceNode.copy(), false); } /** * Returns the node at the given path, or `undefined` if the node does not exist. * * @param target the path of the node to return */ get(target: Path): Node | undefined { if (target.toString() === "/") return this.root; const parent = this.get(target.parent); if (!(parent instanceof Directory) || !parent.hasNode(target.fileName)) return undefined; return parent.getNode(target.fileName); } /** * Returns `true` if and only if there exists a node at the given path. * * @param target the path to check for node presence */ has(target: Path): boolean { if (target.toString() === "/") return true; const parent = this.get(target.parent); if (parent === undefined || !(parent instanceof Directory)) return false; return parent.hasNode(target.fileName); } /** * Moves `source` to `destination`. * * @param source the path to the file or directory to move * @param destination the path to the destination * @throws if there is no node at `source`, if `destination` already exist, or if `destination`'s parent does not * exist */ move(source: Path, destination: Path): void { if (destination.ancestors.indexOf(source) >= 0) throw new Error("Cannot move directory into itself."); const sourceNode = this.get(source); if (sourceNode === undefined) throw new Error(`File or directory '${source}' does not exist.`); this.add(destination, sourceNode, false); this.remove(source, true, true, false); } /** * Removes a node from the file system. * * @param targetPath the path to the node to be removed * @param force if inability to remove a file should be ignored * @param recursive if directories should be removed recursively * @param noPreserveRoot `true` if and only if the root directory should be deletable * @throws if the node to remove does not exist and `force` is `false` */ remove(targetPath: Path, force: boolean, recursive: boolean, noPreserveRoot: boolean): void { const target = this.get(targetPath); if (target === undefined) { if (force) return; else throw new Error(`The file or directory '${targetPath}' does not exist.`); } const parent = this.get(targetPath.parent); if (!(parent instanceof Directory)) throw new IllegalStateError(`'${targetPath.parent}' is not a directory, but its child exists.`); if (target instanceof Directory) { if (targetPath.toString() === "/" && !noPreserveRoot) throw new Error(`Cannot remove root directory.`); if (!recursive) throw new Error(`'${targetPath}' is a directory.`); } parent.removeNode(targetPath.fileName); } } /** * A path to a node in the file system. */ export class Path { /** * The full absolute path to the node described by this path. */ private readonly path: string; /** * The absolute path to the parent node of the node described by this path. */ private readonly _parent: string; /** * The name of the node described by this path. */ readonly fileName: string; /** * Constructs a new path. * * @param paths a string that describes the path */ constructor(...paths: string[]) { this.path = `/${paths.join("/")}/` .replaceAll(/\/\.\//, "/") // Replace `/./` with `/` .replaceAll(/(\/+)([^./]+)(\/+)(\.\.)(\/+)/, "/") // Replace `/x/../` with `/` .replaceAll(/\/{2,}/, "/") // Replace `//` with `/` .replaceAll(/^\/\.\.\//, "/") // Replace `/../` at start with `/` .replace(/(.)\/$/, "$1"); // Remove trailing `/` if not last character const parts = this.path.split("/"); this._parent = parts.slice(0, -1).join("/"); this.fileName = parts.slice(-1).join(""); } /** * Interprets a (set of) paths that may or may not be absolute. * * If only `cwd` is given, a path to the `cwd` is returned. * If the first path in `paths` starts with a `/`, a new path is returned using only `paths` and not `cwd` is * returned. * Otherwise, a path using first `cwd` and then `paths` is returned. * * @param cwd the current working directory, used as a baseline * @param paths the paths that may or may not be absolute */ static interpret(cwd: string, ...paths: string[]): Path { if (paths.length === 0) return new Path(cwd); if (paths[0].startsWith("/")) return new Path(...paths); return new Path(cwd, ...paths); } /** * Returns the path describing the parent directory. */ get parent(): Path { return new Path(this._parent); } /** * Returns all ancestors of this path, starting at the parent and ending at the root. */ get ancestors(): Path[] { const parents: Path[] = []; let path: Path = this.parent; while (path.path !== "/") { parents.push(path); path = path.parent; } if (this.path !== "/") parents.push(path); return parents; } /** * Returns a path describing the path to the desired child node of `this` path. * * @param child the path to the desired node relative to `this` path */ getChild(child: string): Path { return new Path(this.path + "/" + child); } /** * Returns the string representation of this path. * * @param escape `true` if and only if special characters should be escaped for use inside strings */ toString(escape: boolean = false): string { if (!escape) return this.path; return this.path .replaceAll(/'/, "\\\'") .replaceAll(/"/, "\\\"") .replaceAll(/\s/, "\\ "); } } /** * A node in the file system. * * Nodes do not know their own name, instead they are similar to how real file systems manage nodes. The name of a node * is determined by the directory it is in. */ export abstract class Node { /** * A string describing what kind of node this is. * * This string is used to determine how to deserialize a JSON string. Yes, this violates the open/closed principle. */ protected abstract type: string; /** * Returns a deep copy of this node. */ abstract copy(): Node; /** * Returns a string representation of this node given the name of and path to this node. * * @param name the name of this node * @param path the path to this node */ abstract nameString(name: string, path: Path): string; /** * Returns the JSON serialization of this node. */ serialize(): string { return JSON.stringify(this); } /** * Returns the JSON deserialization of the given string as a node. * * This method will automatically detect what kind of node is described by the string and will call the * corresponding parse method for that type. * * @param json a JSON string or object describing a node */ static deserialize(json: string | any): Node { if (typeof json === "string") { return this.deserialize(JSON.parse(json)); } else { switch (json["type"]) { case "Directory": return Directory.parse(json); case "File": return File.parse(json); default: throw `Unknown node type '${json["type"]}'.`; } } } } /** * A directory that can contain other nodes. */ export class Directory extends Node { protected type: string = "Directory"; /** * The nodes contained in this directory, indexed by name. * * The reflexive directory (`"."`) and parent directory (`".."`) are not stored in this field. */ private readonly _nodes: { [name: string]: Node }; /** * Constructs a new directory with the given nodes. * * @param nodes the nodes the directory should contain; the directory stores a shallow copy of this object */ constructor(nodes: { [name: string]: Node } = {}) { super(); this._nodes = nodes; } /** * Returns a copy of all nodes contained in this directory. */ get nodes(): { [name: string]: Node } { return Object.assign({}, this._nodes); } /** * Returns the number of nodes in this directory. */ get nodeCount(): number { return Object.keys(this._nodes).length; } /** * Returns the node with the given name. * * @param name the name of the node to return * @throws when there is no node with the given name in this directory */ getNode(name: string): Node { if (!this.hasNode(name)) throw new Error(`Directory does not have a node with name '${name}'.`); return this._nodes[name]; } /** * Returns `true` if and only if this directory contains a node with the given name or the name refers to this * directory. * * @param name the name to check */ hasNode(name: string): boolean { if (name === "." || name === ".." || new Path(`/${name}`).toString() === "/") return true; return this._nodes.hasOwnProperty(name); } /** * Adds the given node with the given name to this directory. * * @param name the name of the node in this directory * @param node the node to add to this directory */ addNode(name: string, node: Node): void { if (new Path(`/${name}`).toString() === "/" || name.indexOf("/") >= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentError(`Cannot add node with name '${name}'.`); this._nodes[name] = node; } /** * Removes the node with the given name. * * @param name the name of the node to remove * @throws if the given node is not contained in this directory */ removeNode(name: string): void { if (name === "" || name === ".") { Object.keys(this._nodes).forEach(node => this.removeNode(node)); return; } delete this._nodes[name]; } copy(): Directory { const nodes: { [name: string]: Node } = {}; for (const name in this._nodes) nodes[name] = this._nodes[name].copy(); return new Directory(nodes); } /** * Returns a string that contains an HTML hyperlink that runs a command to `cd` to this directory. * * @param name the name of this node * @param path the path to this node */ nameString(name: string, path: Path): string { return `${name}`; } /** * Parses the given object into a directory. * * The nodes inside the directory of the given object are also recursively parsed by this method. * * @param obj the object that describes a directory */ static parse(obj: any): Directory { if (obj["type"] !== "Directory") throw `Cannot deserialize node of type '${obj["type"]}'.`; const nodes: { [name: string]: Node } = {}; for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj["_nodes"])) nodes[name] = Node.deserialize(obj["_nodes"][name]); return new Directory(nodes); } } /** * A simple file without contents. */ export class File extends Node { protected type: string = "File"; /** * The link to the external resource. */ contents: string; /** * Constructs a new file. */ constructor(contents: string = "") { super(); this.contents = contents; } copy(): File { return new File(this.contents); } nameString(name: string, path: Path): string { const extension = getFileExtension(name); switch (extension) { case "lnk": case "pdf": const script = `execute('open ${path.toString(true)}'); return false`; return `${name}`; default: return name; } } /** * Parses the given object into a file. * * @param obj the object that describes a file */ static parse(obj: any): File { if (obj["type"] !== "File") throw `Cannot deserialize node of type '${obj["type"]}'.`; return new File(obj["contents"]); } }