; # TODO: Add feature for global site message # TODO: Add i18n [admin] # Password to use the CLI of `api.php`. Until this value is changed from its default, the feature is disabled cli_secret = REPLACE THIS WITH A SECRET VALUE [database] # Relative path to SQLite database filename = .death-notifier.db [logger] # File to store logs in file = .death-notifier.log # Log level. See https://seldaek.github.io/monolog/doc/01-usage.html#log-levels level = 200 [mail] # Whether to enable mailing enabled = false # Host name of SMTP server to send mail through host = TODO # Port of SMTP server to send mail through port = TODO # Username to authenticate with at SMTP server username = TODO # Password to authenticate with at SMTP server password = TODO # Name to show to recipient from_name = TODO [server] # The path to the main page. Going to this path in your browser should show the contents of `index.html` base_path = https://example.com/death-notifier/