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namespace com\fwdekker\deathnotifier\mailer;
use Exception;
* A serializable email that can be queued in a database and can be sent.
* When serialized, an email is represented by the type of email and two arguments. When deserialized, an email can be
* constructed from those arguments, and the implementation returns a specific subject and message.
abstract class Email
* @var string A string identifying the type of email.
public string $type;
* @var string The intended recipient of the email.
public string $recipient;
* @var string The first argument to construct the email.
public string $arg1 = "";
* @var string The second argument to construct the email.
public string $arg2 = "";
* Returns the subject header of the email.
* @return string the subject header of the email
public abstract function getSubject(): string;
* Returns the body of the email.
* @param array<string, array<string, mixed>> $config the software configuration
* @return string the body of the email
public abstract function getBody(array $config): string;
* Deserializes an email back into an instance.
* Only types of emails that are known can be deserialized.
* @param string $type the type of email to deserialize
* @param string $recipient the intended recipient of the email
* @param string $arg1 the first argument to construct the email
* @param string $arg2 the second argument to construct the email
* @return Email a deserialized email
* @throws Exception if the `type` is not recognized
public static function deserialize(string $type, string $recipient, string $arg1, string $arg2): Email
return match ($type) {
RegisterEmail::TYPE => new RegisterEmail($recipient, $arg1),
VerifyEmailEmail::TYPE => new VerifyEmailEmail($recipient, $arg1),
ChangedEmailEmail::TYPE => new ChangedEmailEmail($recipient, $arg1),
ChangedPasswordEmail::TYPE => new ChangedPasswordEmail($recipient),
ResetPasswordEmail::TYPE => new ResetPasswordEmail($recipient, $arg1),
NotifyArticleDeletedEmail::TYPE => new NotifyArticleDeletedEmail($recipient, $arg1),
NotifyArticleUndeletedEmail::TYPE => new NotifyArticleUndeletedEmail($recipient, $arg1),
NotifyStatusChangedEmail::TYPE => new NotifyStatusChangedEmail($recipient, $arg1, $arg2),
default => throw new Exception("Unknown email type $type."),