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* The fancy ASCII header that is displayed at the start of a terminal session.
const asciiHeader = ` ________ _______ _ _
| ____\\ \\ / / __ \\ | | | |
| |__ \\ \\ /\\ / /| | | | ___| | _| | _____ _ __
| __| \\ \\/ \\/ / | | | |/ _ \\ |/ / |/ / _ \\ '__|
| | \\ /\\ / | |__| | __/ <| < __/ |
|_| \\/ \\/ |_____/ \\___|_|\\_\\_|\\_\\___|_| `;
* A responsive version of the header that displays a simple text instead of the ASCII header when the screen is not
* large enough.
export const asciiHeaderHtml =
`<span class="wideScreenOnly">${asciiHeader}</span><span class="smallScreenOnly"><b><u>FWDekker</u></b></span>`;
* A function that does nothing.
export const emptyFunction = () => {};
* Runs the given function as soon as the page is done loading by "appending" it to the current definition of
* `window.onload`.
* @param fun the function to run as soon as the page is done loading
export function addOnLoad(fun: () => void): void {
const oldOnLoad = window.onload ?? emptyFunction;
window.onload = () => {
// @ts-ignore: Call works without parameters as well
* Replaces all special HTML characters with escaped variants.
* @param string the string to escape special HTML characters in
export function escapeHtml(string: string): string {
return string
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
.replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
* Returns the extension of the given filename, or `""` if it doesn't have one.
* @param filename the filename to return the extension of
export function getFileExtension(filename: string): string {
const extension = /^.+\.([^.]+)$/.exec(filename);
return extension == null ? "" : extension[1];
* Returns `true` if and only if the website is currently running in a standalone app on the user's phone.
export function isStandalone(): boolean {
return window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches;
* Moves the caret to the given position in the given node.
* @param node the node to move the caret in
* @param position the position from the left to place the caret at
export function moveCaretTo(node: Node, position: number): void {
const range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(node, position);
const selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection !== null) {
* Moves the caret to the end of the given node.
* @param node the node in which to move the caret to the end
export function moveCaretToEndOf(node: Node): void {
moveCaretTo(node, (node.textContent ?? "").length);
* Returns the number of pixels in a CSS value that describes a number of pixels, or `0` if the given string is `null`
* or does not contain a number.
* For example, if the given string is `"3px"`, this function will return `3`.
* @param string the CSS value to extract the number of pixels from
* @throws if the given string does not end with the text `"px"`
export function parseCssPixels(string: string | null): number {
if (string === null || string.trim() === "") {
return 0;
} else {
if (!string.endsWith("px"))
throw new IllegalArgumentError("CSS string is not expressed in pixels.");
const result = parseFloat(string);
return isNaN(result) ? 0 : result;
* Type-safe shorthand for `document.querySelector(query)`.
* @param query the query to run
* @throws if the element could not be found
export function q(query: string): HTMLElement {
const element = document.querySelector(query);
if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement))
throw `Could not find element \`${query}\`.`;
return element;
* Indicates that the application will exit under normal circumstances.
* That is, this is not actually an error. This "error" is thrown when the normal flow of execution should be
* interrupted right away so that the application can exit.
export class ExpectedGoodbyeError extends Error {
constructor(message: string) {
* Indicates that an argument is given to a function that should not have been given.
* The user should not be able to reach this state because user input should have been sanitized.
export class IllegalArgumentError extends Error {
* Constructs a new illegal argument error.
* @param message a message explaining why the error was thrown
constructor(message: string) {
* Indicates that the program has ended up in a state that it should never end up in.
* Indicates an error that could not have been caused by the user.
export class IllegalStateError extends Error {
* Constructs a new illegal state error.
* @param message a message explaining why the error was thrown
constructor(message: string) {