
174 lines
5.1 KiB

// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
const {$, doAfterLoad, footer, header, nav} = window.fwdekker;
import katex from "katex";
import "katex/dist/katex.min.css";
// noinspection EqualityComparisonWithCoercionJS
* Returns `true` if and only if `n` is an integer.
* @param n {*} the value to check for integerness
* @returns {boolean} `true` if and only if `n` is an integer
const isInt = n => n == parseInt(n);
* Returns the greatest common divisor of `a` and `b`.
* @param a {number} the first operand
* @param b {number} the second operand
* @returns {number} the greatest common divisor of `a` and `b`
const gcd = (a, b) => {
if (b > a) {
const temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
while (true) {
if (b === 0) return a;
a %= b;
if (a === 0) return b;
b %= a;
* A fraction that can be simplified.
class Fraction {
constructor(numerator, denominator) {
if (!isInt(numerator) || !isInt(denominator))
throw new Error("Numerator and denominator must be integer-like.");
this.sign = numerator < 0 !== denominator < 0 ? -1 : 1;
this.numerator = Math.abs(+numerator);
this.denominator = Math.abs(+denominator);
* Returns a new fraction such that the gcd of the numerator and denominator is 1.
* @returns {Fraction} a new fraction such that the gcd of the numerator and denominator is 1
simplifyGcd() {
const common = gcd(this.numerator, this.denominator);
return new Fraction(this.sign * this.numerator / common, this.denominator / common);
* Returns the LaTeX string representation of this fraction.
* Unlike `#toReducedString`, this method never simplifies the output to an integer.
* @returns {string} the LaTeX string representation of this fraction
toString() {
let frac = `\\frac{${this.numerator}}{${this.denominator}}`;
if (this.sign === -1)
frac = `-${frac}`;
return frac;
* Returns the LaTeX string representation of this fraction, or of the numerator if the denominator is 1.
* @returns {string} the string representation of the reduced form of this fraction
toReducedString() {
if (this.numerator === 0)
return "0";
let frac;
if (this.denominator === 1)
frac = `${this.numerator}`;
frac = `\\frac{${this.numerator}}{${this.denominator}}`;
if (this.sign === -1)
frac = `-${frac}`;
return frac;
doAfterLoad(() => {
$("#nav").appendChild(nav("/Tools/Simplify Fractions/"));
title: "Simplify Fractions",
description: "Simple web tool for simplifying fractions"
vcsURL: "",
version: "v%%VERSION_NUMBER%%"
doAfterLoad(() => {
const numeratorInput = $("#numerator");
const denominatorInput = $("#denominator");
const outputField = $("#out");
* Returns `undefined` if the inputs are valid, or a tuple consisting of the invalid element and an explanation
* of its invalidity otherwise.
* @param numerator {string} the numerator value
* @param denominator {string} the denominator value
* @returns {(HTMLElement|string)[]|undefined} `undefined` if the inputs are valid, or a tuple consisting of the
* invalid element and an explanation of its invalidity otherwise
const validateInputs = (numerator, denominator) => {
if (numerator === "")
return [numeratorInput, ""];
if (denominator === "")
return [denominatorInput, ""];
if (!isInt(numerator))
return [numeratorInput, "Numerator must be an integer."];
if (!isInt(denominator))
return [denominatorInput, "Denominator must be an integer."];
if (+denominator === 0)
return [denominatorInput, "Denominator must not be 0."];
return undefined;
* Reads the inputs and tries to output the simplified fraction.
const outputSimplifiedFraction = () => {
let numerator = numeratorInput.value;
let denominator = denominatorInput.value;
const validationInfo = validateInputs(numerator, denominator);
if (validationInfo !== undefined) {
outputField.innerText = validationInfo[1];
const fraction = new Fraction(numeratorInput.value, denominatorInput.value);
outputField.innerHTML = katex.renderToString(
fraction.toString() + " = " + fraction.simplifyGcd().toReducedString(),
displayMode: true,
throwOnError: false
numeratorInput.addEventListener("input", () => outputSimplifiedFraction());
denominatorInput.addEventListener("input", () => outputSimplifiedFraction());