
45 lines
1.4 KiB

// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
const {$, doAfterLoad, footer, header, nav, stringToHtml} = window.fwdekker;
* Transforms the given (nested) entry into a list item to be displayed in HTML.
* @param entry the entry to transform
* @param depth the current level of nesting
* @returns {string} the HTML form of the given entry
const unpackEntry = (entry, depth = 0) => {
const subEntries = entry.entries.length === 0
? ""
: `<ul>` + => unpackEntry(it, depth + 1)).join("") + `</ul>`;
return "" +
`<h${depth + 4}>` +
`<a href="${}">${}</a>` +
subEntries +
`</h${depth + 4}>`;
* Displays the given entries on the page.
* @param entries the entries to display
const showEntries = entries => {
const toolEntries = entries.entries.find(it => === "Tools").entries;
const entryHtml = stringToHtml(`<ul>${ => unpackEntry(entry)).join("")}</ul>`, "ul");
doAfterLoad(() => {
$("#nav").appendChild(nav("/Tools/", showEntries));
$("#header").appendChild(header({title: "Tools", description: "An overview of tools I have created"}));
vcsURL: "",
version: "v%%VERSION_NUMBER%%"