
994 B

FWDekker Template

The base template for pages on fwdekker.com.

This module contains templating functions (e.g. nav, footer), CSS libraries, and some common utility methods that are used on nearly all pages anyway.

The main functionality is provided in template.js and template.css. There also exist optional modules for easily reusing common code. Modules can be used stand-alone. If template.js is used, modules should be loaded after template.js. Current available modules are:

  • storage.js for interfacing with local storage, and Main module optional.
  • validation.js for form validation. Requires main module.



Setting up

# Install dependencies (only needed once)
$> npm ci


# Build the template in `dist/` for deployment
$> npm run deploy
# Run the `deploy` task and automatically rerun it whenever files are changed
$> npm run deploy:server